


    2023 ICOB Summer Camp Internship 開放報名中!


    申請報名本所舉辦之「112年暑期大專生實習計劃 -無限探索生物科技營」,至本所參與研究計畫進行暑期實習。




    報名資格: 國內外大專院校學生

    報名期間: 112年3月1日 0:00 a.m. ~ 112年4月30日23:59 p.m.

    實習期間: 112年7月3日~112年8月25日(為全職暑期實習計畫)

    活動說明及報名: https://internship.icob.sinica.edu.tw/TMBAdkr2wbe

    執行方式: 本所提供實驗室設施及實際操作機會,鼓勵並補助有研究潛力的國內外大專院校學生於暑期到本所接受指導,完成相關研究計畫,並於計畫期間規劃成果發表,本實習計畫研習期滿,全程參與並表現優異者,可獲頒實習成績傑出優異證書及生活補助津貼(依出席表現每月至多新台幣8,000元)。

    申請辦法: 採線上申請方式報名,越早報名可享優先配對,錄取機率越高! 名額有限額滿為止!


    2022暑期生精彩活動花絮(細生所粉絲團): https://www.facebook.com/icobedu/posts/2869669716645551

    ※ 非屬參加所方主辦之本實習計畫-無限探索生物科技營者,恕不適用於其相關津貼補助與實習規劃。


    2023 ICOB Summer Camp Internship will be held from July 3rd, 2023 ~ August 25th, 2023 (full-time internship). We offer laboratory internship opportunities and welcome college students to join our summer camp.  At the end of the summer, students who have completed the internship and finished a research project will be awarded certificates and subsidized up to NT$8,000 per month (two months maximum). For more information, please find the attached poster, following information and website for your reference. Please encourage students to join ICOB summer camp. Thank you!

    Participants: Local & foreign college students
    Application Deadline: 0:00 a.m., March 1st, 2023~ 23:59 p.m., April 30th, 2023
    Admission List Announcement: May 15th, 2023
    Schedule: July 3rd, 2023 ~ August 25th, 2023 (full-time internship)
    For more information & registration: https://internship.icob.sinica.edu.tw/TMBAdkr2wbe